Giving Florida Parents
a Choice & a Voice

Join the movement to empower parents and ensure every child in Florida has access to the education they deserve.
About PSO

Florida's Online Students Deserve Equal Funding

Online students deserve the same opportunities and resources as their peers. We believe students deserve equal treatment and equal funding, no matter which public school they attend.

‍Join Florida Parents for School Options and stand up for fairness in education. Together, we can ensure that all students receive the resources they deserve.
Learn More About Our Mission

Join the Movement

Are you passionate about improving education for your child and students across Florida?
Join Florida Parents for School Options!

Your voice is crucial in shaping policies affecting your child’s education and ensuring every student has access to the best learning opportunities. Sign up today and be a part of a dedicated community working to drive meaningful change in our state!

In the News

The Latest in Florida

Stay informed about the latest developments impacting students, parents, and schools across the Sunshine State. From new legislation to community success stories, we bring you the updates that matter most for Florida families.
2024 Florida Fight Update

Real Stories, Real Impact

"We have been utilizing online school for over 10 years. We have loved and still love the ability we have to teach our children from home."

Jennifer K.

"School choice should be a given. You pick your child's pediatrician. Why can’t you pick your child’s school?”

Amy N.

"Starting our kids in virtual education was the best choice for our children that my husband and I ever made."

Jennifer M.