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Take action today to support our children’s

From sharing your story to meeting with legislators, join us and make a difference in your child's educational future.
Get Involved
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Advocacy Toolkit

Download our advocacy toolkit for a quick reference guide to help you better engage with important policymakers, articulate your story, and more.

Take Action

Action Alerts

Your voice is powerful, and with other parent advocates it can be even stronger. Join us to take action, like sending letters to lawmakers on school choice issues.
Take Action

Share Your Story

The most impactful tool you have is your story. Talking about your family’s experience educates decision makers and inspires others to get involved.
Share Your Story

Get Involved

With your help, we can ensure all students have access to the education that works best for their unique learning needs. Join us today.
Get Involved

Encourage your friends
to become champions
for choice.

Policymakers in your state and across the country need to hear from concerned parents like you. Encourage your friends to join us in our fight.
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