January 28, 2015

KTVB: Hundreds march to support school choice in Idaho

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by Justin Corr, KTVBJanuary 27, 2015

BOISE -- A river of people wearing yellow scarves flowed from the Basque Block to the Statehouse steps Tuesday afternoon, as students, parents, and teachers marched in support of school choice. It was one of thousands of planned demonstrations nationwide for National School Choice Week.Once they arrived, they were joined by two big voices in Idaho education, new Superintendent of Public Instruction Sherri Ybarra and the First Lady Lori Otter."You have been engaged with your kids," said Otter. "You've been engaged with your family and your community. You're doing what works for you to educate your students."The rally-goers say school choice is not about wanting charter, magnet, online, or home schools to replace traditional public schools. Rather, they want those schools to be an option for parents, alongside traditional public schools."Instead of pitting charter schools and traditional schools against one another, or public school against public school, or public school against online school, we must instead build a bridge of communication to one another," said Ybarra.

The theme was to trust parents.

"I am a firm advocate of local control, and there is no greater local control than the individual choice parents should be able to make as to what type of education is best for their kids," said Ybarra.READ MORE

Hundreds of school choice supporters marched to the Idaho Capitol Tuesday. (Photo: Deren Martinez/KTVB)


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