November 15, 2019

As Gov. Wolf Attacks Charter Schools, We Have Questions About His Expensive, Ultra-Exclusive Education at The Hill School

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Gov. Tom Wolf is intent on severely curtailing school choice options in Pennsylvania by cutting funding, capping enrollment, and putting a moratorium on all new cyber schools.

His actions - if successful - could have dire consequences for the thousands of families currently availing themselves of school choice in Pennsylvania. It also spells the end of hope for the tens of thousands of students on charter school waitlists across the state.

Gov. Wolf is taking these actions, which reduce choice primarily for low-income and minority students, even though he himself benefited from school choice as a student.


  • Gov. Tom Wolf attended the ultra-exclusive Hill School, a private "feeder" school for Princeton University.
  • The Hill School currently costs $61,410 for boarding students and $42,370 for day students.

Gov. Wolf was fortunate that his family was able to remove him from his local school district and send him to the Hill School. The National Coalition for Public School Options supports all school choices, and would never begrudge anyone the fantastic education they receive at places like the Hill School. We do take issue when people like Gov. Wolf benefitted from school choice as children but turn around and work to end school choice for those less fortunate.

Gov. Wolf, we ask you a few simple questions:

  • What was wrong with your local school district growing up that drove your parents to send you to a school of choice?

  • Isn't it hypocritical to be a student of choice on the one hand, and then deny it to those who are desperately seeking school choice options that work for their family on the other?

Statement from Colleen Cook: "Gov. Wolf, we understand that not every charter school can be a feeder to Princeton, but families choose to leave their district schools for a reason. Some have been bullied, some are fleeing failing district schools, others need particular educational methods. For one reason or another, all have chosen to try the harder route and switch schools. This shouldn't be a luxury reserved for the richest families, but instead a right."

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