October 8, 2019

***PRESS RELEASE*** Assault on PA Choice Launched Against 35,000 Cyber Students

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RELEASE: Assault on PA Choice Launched Against 35,000 Cyber Students -- Largest Public School Closure in State History Proposed

State Rep. Curt Sonney (R-Erie) will forever be remembered as the legislator that attempted the largest public school closure and dislocation of students in the history of Pennsylvania.

Rep. Sonney introduced a bill today that would close all public schools currently operating under the cyber charter school law in Pennsylvania, throwing 35,000 students out of the public school their family decided was best for them.

"I can't imagine a more irresponsible piece of legislation, inspired by the big-government arrogance of 'Harrisburg knows best,' Public School Options Board President Colleen Cook said. "These 35,000 students chose their public school for a reason. Whether it was to escape failing or dangerous schools, or because they suffer from physical or emotional disabilities, the simple fact is that this bill would prove disastrous for thousands of families if passed. We plead for even-headed voices -- who understand that politicians and bureaucrats do not know better than parents -- to prevail and defeat this awful bill."

Rep. Sonney introduced the bill in the shadow of additional anti-parent choice executive actions and legislation proposed by Gov. Tom Wolf. Together, Rep. Sonney and Gov. Wolf are attempting to roll back the clock and reduce and end school choice for the more than 300,000 students in Pennsylvania. Rep. Sonney believes he knows better than any of those tens of thousands of parents who chose these specific public schools. They are persisting in this even though the majority of students in Pennsylvania charter schools are low income and non-white.

"As always when deep pocketed interests get involved in policy making, it's the marginalized and voiceless who are first to be harmed," Cook said. "Pennsylvania families - and families from around the country - will rise up to fight these public school closures and massive family dislocations being pushed by Rep. Sonney and Gov. Wolf."

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