February 12, 2015

Breakfast of (Legislative) Champions

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What’s a Rich Text element?

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  • and now three

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

by Beth Purcell, President of publicschooloptions.orgAs I boarded my flight from Greenville to Washington, D.C., I didn’t mind that it was 5:30am on a Monday morning. I studied the agenda for Senator Tim Scott’s #ChoosingExcellence education forum and could only imagine the incredible day ahead.In a cab from Reagan to the Hart Senate Office Building, I thought about all the legislative champions on deck for the day’s activities: Senator Lamar Alexander, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, Congresswoman Cathy

McMorris Rogers, and South Carolina State Senator Larry Grooms. As we all settled in over muffins and coffee, I wondered: what do they put in their Wheaties?!If ideas for expanding school choice for all children was what I wanted, ideas for expanding school choice was what I got! Four thoughtful, encouraging panels were staggered throughout the day, peppered with the aforementioned elected officials, Center for Education Reform’s Kara Kerwin, the incomparable Kevin Chavous, Former Secretary of Education Dr. Rod Paige, and other education opportunity advocates.MY Senator Tim Scott closed out a stellar day the best way he could, saying “when parents are given a choice, students are given a chance.” AMEN, Senator! Like Senator Alexander said, the key to marketing school choice excellence is having more voices like Tim Scott’s. Thank you both for saying#ITrustParents and leading the charge for change in Congress.


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