April 1, 2015

Governor McAuliffe signs Delegate Bell's bills

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Augusta, Va. Free PressMarch 31, 2015Delegate Richard P. “Dickie” Bell (R-Staunton) announced today that Governor McAuliffe has signed into law a number of House Bills that he patroned for the 2015 General Assembly Session.The bills signed into law include House Bills 324, 1443, 1679, and 2114.House Bill 324 establishes a new Virtual Virginia School and creates a Board of the Virginia Virtual School as a policy agency under the Secretary of Education (SOE). The School will offer both online classes and virtual school programs to students in Virginia. The Virginia Virtual School will be responsible for all federal and state accountability requirements applicable to those students enrolled on a full-time basis. The bill has a delayed effective date of July 1, 2016, and will only become effective if reenacted by the 2016 Session of the General Assembly.“I am thankful that Governor McAuliffe has approved House Bill 324. This is a huge step forward for virtual education in Virginia” said Delegate Bell. “There is no doubt that we still have some work to do on this legislation, but I’m grateful that with the Governor’s approval we will have more time to continue this process. I look forward to continuing discussions with all stakeholders in the interim and bringing back the best legislation possible for the 2015 Session. There are many students across the Commonwealth that would be benefitted by a full-time public virtual program, and with the Governor’s signature on House Bill 324 we are one step closer to making that a reality.”Read the entire story in the Augusta Free Press

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