January 14, 2015

Louisiana Parents Ask to Join State in Lawsuit to Save Their Schools

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Louisiana Association of Educators' Suit Puts Thousands of Children at Risk

 Baton Rouge, La., January 14, 2015 - Today, PublicSchoolOptions.org and Louisiana parents Jenette Franklin and Christin Kaiser filed a petition in Louisiana District Court to be included as defendants in a lawsuit brought by the state teachers union, the Louisiana Association of Educators, against the State. The union seeks to end state funding of charter schools across Louisiana, putting the education of thousands of Louisiana children at risk. If granted, the intervention would allow Kaiser, Franklin, and PublicSchoolOptions.org to stand in defense of charter school funding and access to high quality options in education in the state."My family - and thousands of Louisiana families like mine - depend on public school options for our children's education. Without our charter school, my two children would not be where they are today," said Franklin.She continued, "I'm asking to join this suit in order to make sure that children in our state continue to receive the education that best fits their needs. I'm fighting to make sure all Louisiana children are given a chance to succeed."Christin Kaiser, chair of the Louisiana Chapter of PublicSchoolOptions.org, stated, "It's a shame that an educators' association would want to put my children's education at risk. It doesn't make sense, and it's not right for Louisiana families.""Parents know what their children need. The legislature has trusted parents to make the right choices for their children's education by allowing for options that work, like charter schools. We are asking the court to do the same," she continued.Like many Louisiana parents, without public school options like charter schools and public online schools, Kaiser and Franklin would be forced to send their children to schools that don't best fit their needs. Whether the reason be a failing traditional neighborhood school, medical or social anxiety issues, safety and bullying concerns, students with trouble in certain subjects or high-performing students that are being held back in the traditional classroom, over 13,000 Louisiana students are currently enrolled in Type 2 charter schools - students that could find themselves without a high quality place to learn next year should the teachers union prevail.Jennette Franklin is a single mother of five children, two of which are currently enrolled in a charter school, Louisiana Virtual Academy, that would be at risk of closure should the union prevail.Christin Kaiser is the mother of three children. Two of her children attend Young Audiences Charter School. Along with Louisiana Virtual Academy, the only other option in her town of Westwego is a failing traditional public school.PublicSchoolOptions.org is an alliance of parents that supports and defends parents’ rights to access the best public school options for their children. Additionally, the coalition advocates for free and equal access without restrictions to these public schools for all children.


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