August 5, 2015

Nevada Parents For Online Education Attend National School Choice Advocacy Conference

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RENO, NV – Last week, Jay and Dawn Schuler of Nevada Parents for Online Education attended a parent advocacy boot camp held in Washington, DC. The conference is hosted each year by PublicSchoolOptions.Org, a national non-profit parent-led organization which advocates on behalf public charter, online, and magnet school students. The conference included attendees from 35 states.At the conference, the Schuler Family had an opportunity to visit with other parent advocates from around the country, exchange best practices in advocacy, discuss threats and opportunities to access to school choice options, and share stories of their personal journeys as advocates.“We’re fortunate that there is a national grassroots movement seeking greater access to choices in public education. My wife and I had a great opportunity to visit with our lawmakers on Capitol Hill, and to share the benefits of public online schools and the positive contributions they make to our students’ education,” said Jay Schuler. “Having public school options allowed my children to choose a learning environment that worked best for our family. Today’s kids deserve the best in education and I encourage all parents to find what works best for them.”This was seventh annual parent advocacy boot camp hosted by PublicSchoolOptions.Org. The conference featured a day-long advocacy workshop where attendees heard from leaders in the school choice movement and discussed education issues facing parents across the country. The advocacy conference has been a tremendous success in providing parents the background and skill sets necessary to effectively communicate to state and national lawmakers the merits of school choice.


Nevada Parents for Online Education is an affiliation of PublicSchoolOptions.Org. Founded in 2012, Nevada Parents for Online Education seeks to educate Nevada policy-makers about the benefits of public virtual schools and the positive contributions they make to our students’ is an alliance of parents that supports and defends parents’ rights to access the best public school options for their children. The Coalition supports the creation of public school options, including charter schools, online schools, magnet schools, open enrollment policies and other innovative education programs.

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