February 15, 2016

Oklahoma Parents Support Education Savings Accounts Act

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Bill empowers parents to decide what educational option works best for their child

OKLAHOMA CITY – Today, the Oklahoma chapter of PublicSchoolOptions.org announced its support for House Bill 2949, the Oklahoma Education Savings Accounts Act (ESA), which will be heard and voted on by the state’s House Common Education Committee later this afternoon. Colleen Cook, chair of the Oklahoma chapter and national board member of PublicSchoolOptions.org will attend the committee meeting.House Bill 2949 empowers parents with more flexibility to make decisions about their child’s education, including what school environment works best for their child. The bill allows parents to use part of their child’s public educational funding towards the education of their choosing, from private schools to public schools, to online courses to tutors. This bill expands school choice for Oklahoma families, including those in rural areas where current options in choice may not be meeting student needs.PublicSchoolOptions.org will mobilize parents across Oklahoma to make sure legislators know that parents should be trusted to make decisions about their children’s education. Last week, PublicSchoolOptions.org held an event at the capitol with over 500 students, parents and teachers that benefit from school choice.PublicSchoolOptions.org believes that every child, regardless of their zip code or how much money their parents make, deserves the best start in life. We firmly believe that begins with a parent’s ability to choose the school where their child will thrive — whether that’s in a traditional brick and mortar school, public virtual school, charter school, home school, or private school. Every child learns differently, even within the same family. Giving parents options so their child can succeed is critical. STATEMENT FROM COLLEEN COOK, PUBLICSCHOOLOPTIONS.ORG NATIONAL BOARD MEMBER AND OKLAHOMA PARENT LEADER:“Today, PublicSchoolOptions.org is proud and excited to support HB2949, which empowers parents and expands school choice opportunities for our children. We will work to mobilize parents across the state to support this bill and urge lawmakers to trust us as parents when it comes to education decisions for our children. We are thankful for the leadership of the bill sponsors and stand at the ready to support their efforts. We urge today’s House Common Education Committee to listen to parents and trust us with these important decisions. And we urge them to vote yes on HB2949.”PublicSchoolOptions.org is a national alliance of parents that supports and defends parents’rights to access the best public school options for their children. The Coalition supports the creation of public school options, including charter schools, online schools, magnet schools, open enrollment policies and other innovative education programs. Additionally, we advocate for equal access without restrictions to these public schools for all children.


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