August 19, 2016

Oklahoma Poll Affirms Parent’s Right To Determine Children’s Education

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Majority of Oklahomans trust parents to make educational decisions for their children

OKLAHOMA CITY – Last week a new Quarterly Poll from Sooner Poll showed a majority of Oklahomans support a parent’s right to choose the educational option that works best for their child. The results, which reflect a similar poll conducted last year by in Oklahoma, show that 51.5 percent favor parents having the “moral right” to choose the schools that best fits their child’s learning needs.

The Sooner Poll also found greater support for school choice in urban areas and among evangelical voters.

In the February 2015 poll conducted by

· 27 percent of respondents said education is the most important issue for Oklahoma voters

· 73 percent favor reforming public schools

· 77 percent believe individual student performance should be the analysis used to measure how a school performs

· 78 percent believe a public school shouldn’t be closed based on statewide testing scores

· 82 percent are less likely to support a state legislator who supports closing a school because of low test scores alone


“These results reflect the sentiments of the many Oklahoma families I work with each year to help expand and protect choice – as parents we know better than government how best to educate our children. We hope this poll reinforces with lawmakers and state education officials that parents need to be trusted with their children’s education decisions.” is a national alliance of over 60,000 parents that supports and defends parents’ rights to access the best public school options for their children. The Coalition supports the creation of public school options, including charter schools, online schools, magnet schools, open enrollment policies and other innovative education programs. Additionally, we advocate for equal access without restrictions to the school that best suits the individual student’s learning needs whether it is public, non-public or home-based.


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