January 30, 2025

Kentucky Parents for School Options: Parents, Families Available to Discuss Pending  Closure of Kentucky Virtual Academy

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LOUISVILLE, Ky. (Jan. 30, 2025) — Parents for School Options Kentucky (PSO-KY) today announced that parents of children who attend Kentucky Virtual Charter Academy (KYVA) are available for interviews after a recent decision by the state’s Board of Education, which will lead to the closure of the school in the fall of 2025. In December, the board voted to cap the school’s enrollment. The draconian decision would slash enrollment from 2,800 students to less than 30, making it virtually impossible for the school to remain open.

The following parents are eager to tell their stories:

Barbara Borst, Flemingsburg:
Her 8-year-old daughter suffers multiple chronic conditions, including Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), hypothyroidism, endocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) and more. In her previous public school, she was bullied because she wears braces and a helmet. She is now thriving at KYVA.  

Sherry Kincaid, Louisville:
Her son is thriving at KYVA after years of being unable to learn in traditional public schools. He has an intellectual disability, Level 2 autism, and an anxiety disorder.

Brandy Loss, Mayfield:
Her daughter was using drugs and skipping class and wanted to drop out of her public school. Since joining KYVA, she has been nearly a straight-A student, hasn’t missed a single class and has been clean from drugs for over a year. She’s now pursuing a career in criminal justice.

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