March 11, 2015

Parents to Rally at State Capitol in Support of Access to Public Virtual Schools

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Texas Families Seek Common Sense Legislation for Virtual EducationAUSTIN, Texas, March 11, 2015 -- Today, organizers announced plans for a rally in support of virtual education at the Capitol. The rally, to be held this Thursday, March 12th, will be part of the Texas Chapter of’s 4th Biennial Day at the Capitol.Each legislative session,, a national parent-led non-profit advocacy organization, hosts events at dozens of statehouses around the country. In Texas, organizers expect hundreds of parents, teachers and students to attend.“Capitol Day is a great opportunity for Texas parents to come to Austin, meet their elected officials, and let them know why access to high quality public school options, like virtual schools, is so important,” said Shea Mackin, an Austin parent with three children in public virtual schools, and one unable to access virtual education due to arbitrary restrictions placed on virtual school enrollment.“All Texas families deserve access to online education,” Mackin continued. “The legislature should act to give parents more options by allowing new virtual schools to open, allow children in grades k-2 to learn virtually, and do away with the requirement that a student must be enrolled in a traditional public school the year prior to enrolling in a public virtual school. Texas families deserve this public school option whether they have young students, are coming from a private school or homeschool, or are new to our state. Every child deserves access to a school that works for them.”The rally will carry the message of trusting parents when it comes to making educational decisions for children in Texas. It will begin at 1PM and feature comments from Lieutenant Governor Patrick and state legislators.Prior to the rally, members of will be recognized in the House Gallery at 11AM.


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