January 6, 2017

*** PRESS RELEASE*** Governor Branstad Awarded ‘Golden Apple’ for Empowering Parents with Education Options

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PublicSchoolOptions.org recognized the Governor for his commitment to educational choiceDES MOINES, Iowa – Today, the Iowa Chapter of PublicSchoolOptions.org awarded Gov. Terry Branstad with its Golden Apple, recognizing his efforts as a champion of school choice.

The award was presented by Jen Wubben and Michelle Majeski, co-chairs of the PublicSchoolOptions.org Iowa Chapter. They are also parents of students who attend virtual school. Gov. Branstad has supported open enrollment policies for more than two decades, giving access to school choice to Iowans. Additionally, Gov. Branstad’s administration supported the opening of the state’s first virtual schools in 2012 and he vetoed a provision in the 2016 state budget that would have taken away the education of the state’s public virtual school students.STATEMENT FROM GOVERNOR TERRY BRANSTAD: “It’s an honor to be recognized by parents who are passionate about giving their kids the best education possible, and making sure all kids have access to the educational environment that fits their needs. I am proud of the choices in education that we’ve given to parents to make the best decisions for their children.” STATEMENT FROM JEN WUBBEN, IOWA PUBLICSCHOOLOPTIONS.ORG CO-CHAIR:“We are incredibly thankful for Governor Branstad’s strong support of school choice and the trust he places in parents to choose the educational option that works best for their child. Through the years we’ve always been able to count on Governor Branstad as a true champion for parents and students. We wish him well as he leaves office and we look forward to working with Governor Reynolds to continue Iowa’s strong tradition of empowering parents.” PublicSchoolOptions.org is a national alliance of over 60,000 parents that supports and defends parents’ rights to access the best public school options for their children. The Coalition supports the creation of public school options, including charter schools, online schools, magnet schools, open enrollment policies and other innovative education programs. Additionally, we advocate for equal access without restrictions to the school that best suits the individual student’s learning needs whether it is public, non-public or home-based.###

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