August 15, 2018

***PRESS RELEASE*** Parent Advocacy Group Welcomes Three New Parent Board Members

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MembersNew parent board members began a three-year term on July 1WASHINGTON – Today, the National Coalition for Public School Options (PSO), a national alliance of parents that supports and defends parents’ rights to access the best public school options for their children, announced it has added three new parent board members to its national board of directors. PSO’s parent board of directors lead the coalition’s national advocacy initiatives that (1) focus on education policies that empower parents with more school choice options; (2) eliminate access barriers families face in choosing the school that works best for their children; and (3) ensure parents, not bureaucrats, are trusted with their children’s education decisions.New Parent Board MembersKyla Anderson, New MexicoKyla Anderson is the mother of two boys, a foster parent, president of the New Mexico Chapter of the National Coalition for Public School Options, and president of the board of Pecos Connections Academy, a virtual charter school chartered with the Carlsbad Municipal Schools in New Mexico. Kyla became an advocate for school choice six years ago because of poor experiences her children had in both traditional public and private schools. An educator for seven years, Kyla knew something needed to change with New Mexico’s education system. She works tirelessly to educate parents about their school choice options, teaches them how to advocate for their children, and is a voice for all New Mexico children. Kyla and her husband live with their children in Santa Fe, New Mexico.Shea Mackin, TexasShea Mackin, a champion of school choice for over 16 years, believes every student is unique and deserves access to the education that fits their needs. She and her husband have four sons who have all used different types of schooling at different times in their lives. Shea believes that parents know their children better than anyone else and need to be trusted to choose the educational option that works for each child individually. Shea has been an active parent leader in the Texas Chapter of the National Coalition for Public School Options since 2015 and can often be found at the Texas state capitol meeting with legislators and sharing why school choice is important. Shea is also a volunteer leader for the local Boy Scouts organization. She lives in Pflugerville, Texas with her husband and children.Jay Schuler, NevadaJay Schuler joined the Nevada Chapter of the National Coalition for Public School Options in 2015 after attending the coalition’s inaugural Capitol Day in Carson City where families gathered to celebrate school choice options and share their stories with legislators. Jay's passion for education began when his son was struggling in 4th grade. Jay started searching for another way to educate his son after he turned to the traditional brick and mortar school for help only to find road block after road block and no options to help his son. Today Jay travels with his hot air balloon promoting educational choice and letting parents know they have options. Jay and his family reside in Reno, Nevada.Anderson, Mackin and Schuler join current board members Colleen Cook, Oklahoma; Tillie Elvrum, Colorado; Amy Threewitt, Nebraska; and Christin White-Kaiser, Louisiana. ###The National Coalition for Public School Options (PSO) is a national alliance of parents that supports and defends parents’ rights to access the best public school options for their children. PSO supports the creation of public school options, including charter schools, online schools, magnet schools, open enrollment policies and other innovative education programs. Additionally, we advocate for equal access without restrictions to these public schools for all children.

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