March 13, 2018

***PRESS RELEASE*** Parent Statement on Louisiana Supreme Court Charter School Decision

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NEW ORLEANS – Christin White-Kaiser, the parent of a Type 2 public charter school student and president of the Louisiana chapter of made the following statement today regarding the Louisiana Supreme Court decision in the case of Iberville Parish School Board, et al v. Louisiana State Elementary and Secondary Education Board, et al. The Supreme Court overturned the appeals court decision and affirmed that Type 2 public charter schools are public schools and the current funding mechanism established by the state will remain in place.

Read more background on the lawsuit HERE.


“Today’s supreme court ruling was the right one, affirming the rights of parents to choose the educational option that works for their children. This lawsuit from the union bosses was always about money and never about what was in the best interest of students. As parents, we are grateful that the Supreme Court recognized these public schools for what they are – public schools, and that we will continue to be trusted with our children’s education decisions.”

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