March 30, 2018

***PRESS RELEASE*** Statement on Iberville Parish School Board’s Application for Rehearing at Louisiana Supreme Court

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NEW ORLEANS – Today,, a coalition of parents in Louisiana whose children attend public charter schools, made the following statement regarding the Iberville Parish School Board’s application for a rehearing at the Louisiana Supreme Court. On March 13, the supreme court ruled against the union and Iberville Parish School Board, 5-2, and affirmed that Type 2 public charter schools are public schools and the current funding mechanism established by the state will remain in place.


“The Louisiana Supreme Court, in a powerful and well-reasoned decision, completely rejected each and every argument that the union and Iberville Parish School Board pushed over the last three years – burning through hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars along the way – with the goal of trying to close some public charter schools and kicking students out of the schools they choose. Yesterday, they continued their quest to eliminate these schools by filing a motion demanding that the supreme court "reconsider" its well-reasoned decision. As parents, we’ve had enough. It’s time for the Iberville Parish School Board to quit wasting taxpayer dollars and attempting to take away these students’ education. The supreme court spoke loud and clear.”

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