April 20, 2022

PSO Files Comments in Opposition to Biden Administration’s Draconian Attempt to Marginalize Charter School Families

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WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 20, 2022) — The National Coalition for Public School Options (PSO) today announced it has filed comments with the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) condemning proposed changes to the Charter Schools Program that would make charter school funding out of reach for many charter schools, particularly new schools in black, brown, rural or indigenous communities.

“The proposed policies puts politics ahead of the needs and dreams of families who desperately want strong education options for their children,” said Letrisha Weber, PSO National Board President. “This attempt by DOE to federalize standards is contrary to the established practice of relying on states to address school choice. Parents have a stronger voice to impact policy at the state and local levels where education policy is generally developed. The Biden administration’s DOE seems to have lost focus on perhaps the most compelling point about charter schools: Every single student in a charter school is there because their parents decided it’s the best public school option for their child.”

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