June 12, 2015

TNVA Litigant Families, PublicSchoolOptions.org Issue Statement in Response to Court Ruling to Keep School Open

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Nashville – Tennessee parents and PublicSchoolOptions.org are grateful today following a decision by the Chancery Court in Davidson County that allows their public school, Tennessee Virtual Academy, to stay open. Thepublic virtual school serves students from all corners of the state. This ruling ensures these families will continue to have access to the school that best meets their children’s needs.

Patti Posan, a plaintiff in the case, said, “We fought for TNVA because TNVA is the only school that works for my grandson, Austin. When the judge ruled in court,Austin said it best: ‘We saved our school today.’”Because of today’s outcome, Austin and over 1,000 students like him will be able to return to the statewide public virtual school for the upcoming school year.“At PublicSchoolOptions.org (PSO), we are all about equal access to options in education,” said Beth Purcell, president of PSO, a national alliance of parents that supports and defends parents’ rights to access the best public school options for their children. “Today, families all across Tennessee can rest assured that their school, Tennessee Virtual Academy, will be available to their children again this fall. For many families, public virtual school is the best educational option and for some it is the only option that works. Making sure this school is here to stay is the right thing to do.”

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